What are the types of SDI SFP Transceiver Module?

SDI SFP Transceiver Module could be divided into different categories according to different factors. For example, according to different operating wavelengths, they could be split into three types: 1310nm, 1490nm, and 1550nm. According to the different types of transceivers, SDI SFP Transceiver Module can be divided into five types: single-receive, dual-receive, single-transmit, dual-transmit, and transceiver-integrated. According to different transmission rates, they may be split into three types: 3G-SDI, 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI SFP optical modules.

3G-SDI is an upgraded version of HD-SDI, with a rate of 1.485G (also called 1.5G, corresponding to SMPTE-292M standard, supporting 720P) and 2.97G (also referred to as 3G, corresponding to SMPTE-424M standard, supporting FULL HD Full HD 1080P /60HZ). 3G-SDI supports the transmission of serial digital video signals and DVB-ASI (EN50083-9) digital video signals that comply with standards such as SMPTE-424M 3Gbps HD-SDI, SMPTE-292M HD-SDI or SMPTE-259M SDI. Similar to HD- SDI, 3G-SDI is also used in TV studios. With the upgrading of technology, it is also widely used in global security applications such as for example high-end surveillance and unattended systems.

The data rate of the 6G-SDI SFP Transceiver Module is twice that of the 3G-SDI Transceiver, which means that it has a higher transmission rate. Therefore, the 6G-SDI SFP optical module isn't only made for SMPTE 259M, SMPTE 344M, SMPTE 292M and SMPTE 424M serial digital video signals, but also can be used for SMPTE 2081 digital interface. In addition, 6G-SDI SFP Transceiver Module are also commonly found in cameras, video, security monitoring applications and 4K/HDTV/SDTV service interfaces.

12G SDI Transceiver Module is composed of three parts: DFB laser, and a PIN photodiode transimpedance preamplifier (TIA) and a DDM transceiver IC and MCU control unit.

12G SDI Transceiver Module can be utilized in the following 12G-SDI digital serial ultra-high-definition baseband signal application scenarios:

In the field of high-definition digital broadcasting, such as digital video transmission of digital output ports of high-definition professional cameras of TV stations, digital TV, live broadcasting of events, and live broadcasting of large-scale performances. The advantage of ultra-high-definition video is definitely that it includes a very strong sense of presence and actuality. It has the most delicate and realistic reproduction of real scenes. Especially for the transmission of extremely demanding sports events, ultra-high-definition display can achieve a very real visual sense.Read more:https://www.oemfibers.com



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